
Oral Cancer

Everyone deserves the chance to have a beautiful and healthy smile

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a malignant lesion in the oral cavity, including the tongue, mandibular gums, buccal mucosa, the floor of the mouth, maxillary gums, palate, and lips.

The tongue is the most common oral cancer, which accounts for about 40%. When detected early, oral cancer can be completely cured with surgery.


What Are Symptoms Of Oral Cancer?

Symptoms of oral cancer include:

+ Patches on the lining of the mouth or tongue, usually red or red and white

+ Bleeding, pain, or numbness in the mouth

+ Mouth ulcers or sores that do not heal

+ A lump or thickening of the gums or lining of the mouth

+ Loose teeth with no apparent reason

+ Poorly fitting dentures

+ Swelling in the jaw

+ A sore throat or feeling that something is stuck in the throat

+ A hoarse voice

+ Difficulty chewing or swallowing

+ Difficulty moving the tongue or jaw

Some of these symptoms, such as a sore throat or an earache, may indicate other conditions. However, if you notice any of these symptoms, especially if they don’t go away or you have more than one at a time, visit your dentist or doctor as soon as possible.

What Are The Stages Of Oral Cancer?

There are four stages of oral cancer.

Stage 1: The tumor is 2 centimeters (cm) or smaller, and cancer hasn’t spread to the lymph nodes.

Stage 2: The tumor is between 2-4 cm, and cancer cells haven’t spread to the lymph nodes.

Stage 3: The tumor is either larger than 4 cm and hasn’t spread to the lymph nodes or is any size and has spread to one lymph node but not to other parts of the body.

Stage 4: Tumors are of any size, and the cancer cells have spread to nearby tissues, the lymph nodes, or other body parts.

According to the National Cancer InstituteTrusted Source, the five-year survival rates for oral cavity and pharynx cancers are as follows:

+ 83 percent for localized cancer (that hasn’t spread)

+ 64 percent for cancer that’s applied to nearby lymph nodes

+ 38 percent for cancer that’s spread to other parts of the body

Overall, 60 percent of Trusted Source of all people with oral cancer will survive for five years or more. The earlier the stage at diagnosis, the higher the chance of survival after treatment. The five-year overall survival rate in those with stage 1 and 2 oral cancers is typically 70 to 90 percent. This makes timely diagnosis and treatment all the more critical.

How Is Oral Cancer Treated?

Oral cancer is treated the same way many other cancers are treated with surgery to remove the cancerous growth. After surgery, radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy (drug treatments) to destroy any remaining cancer cells.

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